Sunday 2 October 2016

Writing for 10/2 (Marked to be Read #2)

Date : 10/2

Time starting : 10.14 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Friends and bonds

Time ending : 10.29 p.m

Friends or in Japanese, Tomodachi, is probably one of the most important aspect in anyone's life. Family is important, true but friendship is pretty special on its own. I am a believer of having quality over quantity when it comes to having friends. Humans are born with the need of relying on other people, either for help, seeking comfort or just simply to talk or chat with. Living alone for a really long time is something that I can not imagine.

It is weird how friendship even begins with. Sometimes, it comes out of nowhere. Like, suddenly, "Oh wow, I do not know you liked this stuff too!" or "Actually I played that same game too!", something as simple as that can spark the beginning of a lifelong friendship. But of course, having friends that only makes you happy is nothing more than an impossible dream. At some point in life, you will be fighting each other, holding daggers at each other's throat or it might even get physical. But, somehow, you will still be hanging out with the same guy or girl you just fought or bickered with the last few days. That is the magic of friendship or perhaps the magic of time, being able to heal what words can not.

Sadly, the same rule is applied if the concept is turned around. There will always be that one or two person you could never be comfortable with regardless how hard you tried. The same way as how there will always be the person that will dislike you even though you had done nothing wrong. Perhaps it is the law of the world where there will be no man that is liked by everyone. There is nothing wrong with having the people that you disliked, just remember everyone had their own personal lives and the lesser we knew about someone, the more irresponsible we are if we were to judge them just by seeing them on the surface.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you show a lot of wisdom, and am reminded that it is not reserved for old gray haired people!
