Thursday 6 October 2016

Writing for 10/6

Date : 6/10

Time starting : 9.14 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 5/10 story

Time ending :  9.30 p.m

“Now, now. Don’t insult the girl I loved.”

With a faint blush on her cheeks, she meekly asked “Ehehehe, you really mean it?”

“Of course I meant it”

“From now till forever?”


She turned away from me, probably hiding her embarrassment but I can make out her faint voice as she said,

“.....that makes me happy...”.

And as time passes, we are supposed to be married in one month time before I learn that fate itself can be a cruel and merciless thing, twisted to its very core. Ana was diagnosed with a mysterious disease that left her bedridden for months. She was slowly losing her strength as days passed, the warmth of her body slowly seeped away from her grasp. Worst of all, I can only stood by her side, watching my dearest flower wilts away, waiting for her final moments. The doctors tried to offer some lip services in order to enlighten or at the very least, provide the faintest amount of hope but I, we, are not clueless kids. It is more than obvious that it is an incurable disease and Ana was one of the unluckiest victim of the disease which very rarely infects people, if any.

“I am sorry I can’t keep our promise.” was the last sentence I heard from Ana before she fell into an eternal slumber. I still remember how cold her hands felt back then and how the very feeling of grievance and sadness shoved me over the edge of sanity. I lost my sense of reasoning, my train of thoughts had completely been derailed and before I realized. I am already in the pitiful state I am in right now.

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