Thursday 20 October 2016

Writing for 10/20 (Marked to be Read #1)

Date : 10/20

Time starting : 2.54 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Random talk about life

Time ending :  3.10 p.m

Life. What does it mean to be living?. A sage once said, "Fear not your death, but fear the fact that you might had actually not lived in the first place,". I believe everyone that are living on this world must have had that one moment in our lives where we pondered, "What is the reason I am living right now?. Why do I exist?. What is my raison d'etre?. Am I doing the right thing?". I, myself had experienced this sort of thinking several times. I believe life itself is a very subjective topic.  Despite everyone living their lives, most of us never had the same view on what we considered to be truly living.

If asked a person on how he or she define to be "truly living", some might answer "To reach the pinnacle of success is to be truly alive. When I made my mark from which people will remember me after I died is what it meant to be living." Meanwhile, some other individual might say, "To be rich where I need not worry about life expenses is what it meant to be living. As long as I am still struggling with financial issues, that mean I am not even close to be living. My life is still shackled by money and I can not truly be free until I become a millionaire". However, generally people will just go, "To be truly alive is to be living in the moment. As long as I get a decent job, manage to find my rightful fated soulmate, be the parents of respectable kids, managing to pay my life debts toward my parents, I am more than satisfied in my life ."

These substantial differences in ambitions toward their lives nevertheless proved how the definition of truly living is subjected toward individual perspective. The hardest part in anyone's life is to be forced living another person's life just to surpass or exceed a certain party expectations. That is probably the worst form of torture despite the wounds not being seen physically. Becoming someone that is not ourselves meant denying our very own existences. There are times when we need to put up a facade, true, especially when involved in a life-turning events such as job interview, meeting potential clients and so on. However, there are times where we will hang out with our best of friends or even in our family where we will be able to discard all this tedious facade and simply be ourselves. Hence, for someone that needs to be wearing another person's mask for the rest of their lives without the chance to be themselves are probably the saddest thing imaginable.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic. Not only do I relate to this "what is living" question, but I live with someone who constantly asks me these kinds of questions! I can never manage to get out a satisfactory answer.
