Sunday 30 October 2016

Writing for 10/30

Date : 10/30

Time starting : 8.29 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : A narrative about an anime called "The pet Girl of Sakurasou"

Time ending :  8.44 p.m

For today writing, I will be narrating about one of my all-time favorite anime (Japanese cartoon) which is called "The pet Girl of Sakurasou" or Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo. The title itself sounds pretty cartoon-ish if I may describe it that way. However, speaking from my experience after finishing the whole series, it is a roller coaster of ride filled with everything ranged from comedy, drama, sadness and slice of life. At first, the story seemed nothing more than a depiction on how high school boys and girls go about their daily lives in a comedic manner but as the story goes on, the "heavy" part of the plot creeps in where the viewers are exposed to some harsh reality that everyone will face as they grow up.

As of why I liked this story in particular is due to the main character in the anime aspiring to become a software engineer as soon as he graduates. Though, more specifically, he is trying to become a software programmer for designing games and the story soon revolves around the hardships he had faced and went through in order to achieve his dream. The story is 24 episodes long and in this period of time, all the way from the start to finish, the main character had been rejected twice during his work interview. His failure in landing a job is due to the fact that the interviews describing his game as something that is "unique and creative but is not what the stereotype audiences will like". Simply put, it is due to his intent of producing a new form of game never before introduced to the public being the reason he is declined from getting the job. The company thought that it is much better to employ people that will stick to the basic and create games that are already published in the market.

Even worse, the main character felt respite toward one of his female dorm mates, namely Mashiro due to their total difference in what they had to go through. Mashiro, being a natural and gifted artist, was offered to work as a professional artist but she turned it down simply because she only wanted to draw manga (or comics, in American). This is where the main character learned how a stark difference between a normal born individual can never measure up to a gifted individual. In the end, a fight broke down between the two due to some misunderstanding. Only by the end of the series, they made up.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Writing for 10/29

Date : 10/29

Time starting : 10.24 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Night time

Time ending :  10.39 p.m

There is 2 general part in our everyday lives. Our day time as well as our night time. I do not know for sure if there is any scientific reasoning as of if any of the two parts hold significant advantage over the other. However, speaking from myself. I had always preferred night time much more than its day counterpart. Perhaps it is due to my native country where day time is practically nothing more than a period of suffering where I have this incredible amount of heat trying to melt me all over and only when night crawls in, then the torturous experience will end. For me, night time is simply more than a time for rest. It is time where I can find peace and comfort, a brief moment of serenity before dawn breaks in,

Day time is simply the moment where I will allow myself (both willingly as well as unwillingly) thrown into all my worries, troubles, responsibilities as well as everyday norms. I wake up everyday, looking forward for night to breaks in, the period of time where I loved the most. I think my mind works best after dusk settles in simply because my feeling says so. That does not in the least meant that I am going through my day time in an overly "whatever as long as I get things done" manner. What I am trying to imply is that I work simply much more efficient and productive during the night than the day. Is it due to some personal preferences or perhaps it can be explained by some research but as long as I can benefit from it, I could not care less.

Night time is also associated with "alone" time where we can finally open the "mask" and "facade" that we put on in order to go through our everyday lives. There are simply moments where we can not be ourselves due to certain constraining circumstances, forcing ourselves to talk and act like someone completely different. But, when we are alone. where most of us probably are during the night, we can finally get rid of all these tiring fake expressions we put on and simply be ourselves. Coincidentally, I just realized somehow that 90% of my daily writings are written during the dusk or at night.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Writing for 10/27

Date : 10/27

Time starting : 9.05 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : The magic of talking

Time ending :  9.20 p.m

I believe all of us have been through that one time where we are feeling really down with the gloomiest expression we ever made are painted upon our faces. Speaking from a personal perspective, I had been through this sort of miserable experiences countless times and the best way I found to cope with it is by talking it out with my friends or my family. For some reason, it just lighten the whole pressure even though they might not provide me with the best solution for all the troubles that I went through. I know there is a saying that goes as follow : "Don't tell your problems to other people. 20% are glad that you have them while the other 80% do not care". I know how well we, as an individual can not be bothered to hear or meddle with other people problems but simply lending our ears just to hear them out is simply more than enough to ease the whole burden.

I believe this magic is due to how humans find comfort in other people. I, for instance does not know how someone can live in solitude simply saying because they prefer to be alone. Maybe some people are born that way where they feel comfortable living only around themselves but I am not among those kind of individuals. I need to talk to someone, anyone on a daily basis. It can be about anything ranging from "how's life?" to the more friendly "bickering" and chitchats. It is simply fun to do so because there will be new stories to tell and hear everyday which I never get bored of. That is why the term "dying from loneliness" is a possibility from my perspective even though it is nothing more than a literal term.

Perhaps it is because I am weak in will and spirit. They often say only weak people need to trouble other with their worries and problems. In my opinion, sharing our problems with other is a natural thing to do. Well, "sharing" might not exactly be the term. Maybe, "telling"?. If we can tell something that make us smile to other people, then why not do the same for thing that makes us down?. It is fine if they make it really obvious that they could not care less about your worries as long as you did not keep it to yourself. There might be some stuff that is too personal to share with your friends. In that case, try family instead. The bottom line is, the more troubles you keep to yourself, the harder you will feel to cope with it.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Writing for 10/25

Date : 10/25

Time starting : 5.27 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Money and how we spend them

Time ending :  5.42 p.m

Even though they say money is not the most important thing in anyone's life, I believe it still holds a deep influence toward our lives in general despite anything else. Having no money at all is certainly a troubling prospect for anyone. Ironically, having too much money does not necessarily mean that a rich individual will be freed from all of his troubles. In fact, he might have more trouble with that much money but that is just a wild guess and a baseless assumption. We will never know until we personally ask someone that is in that particular position and still, there is no way we will be able to know hoe much truth there is in his words.

What I am going to write about today in particular is regarding how we use our money, the results of our hard-earned efforts in order to make a living which might not be the case for yet-to-be-workers such as myself who is still leeching off my parents. But, it is still pretty obvious that the things we spend our money on might be viewed as a waste of hard-earned cash by some parties and that will never change. I mean, we all have that desire where we really want a certain something where we are able to go to extreme lengths by cutting down the money used for basic necessities just to save money to get that very thing we wanted. We, humans are often weak to our desire and we can never hope to sate these desires unless we fulfill them.

If I am to have a position in this matter, I will say that it is wise to spend money on the thing you really wanted because that is what you hoped for. As long as this thing you are dying to have is not the same thing that will end up unused after just a week, then it is fine to get it. I am also one of those individuals that like to spend my allowances on having a good, fulfilling meal. I am quite the picky eater myself and I can spend quite the sum of money in order to eat out at least a few times a week. My mother always say this to me since she started giving me allowance ; "When it come to food, never be stingy with your money." From her perspective, she would not be mad whenever I spent like 50$ for a meal but if I spent 10$ for games (which she considered as "useless" stuff), then I am in for some nagging and lectures. In my opinion, the money we earned is rightfully ours (despite I am not in the right position to say so) and how we spend them is up for us to decide. We should not let other people dictate how we spend our money since that is our personal rights.

Monday 24 October 2016

Writing for 10/24

Date : 10/24

Time starting : 9.45 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Thoughts about online game (Dota 2)

Time ending :  10.00 p.m

Defense of the Ancients 2 or more popularly known as Dota 2 is probably one of my most played online game ever. My real-time statistics on the game shows that I had spent more than 4000+ hours in it and still have not gotten bored of it. So, what is this game about?. It is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game which consist of 2 teams with 5 players in each team respectively. These 10 players will then proceed to pick the characters that they wanted to use in the current game. There are over 100 unique characters to be chosen, each with their own special traits, strengths and weaknesses. The objective of this game is to destroy the opponent "ancient" which lies deep in the heart of each team base, hence the title "Defense of the Ancients".

Some of the characters in the game are derived from ancient myths such as the Father of all Gods, Zeus as well as the infamous Gorgon, Medusa. It is really the same map that I played over and over again but truth be spoken, it never gets boring. Well, sometimes I do get bored and will leave the game untouched for few days before somehow magically started playing it back again. In the game, the most important thing is communications between the teammates. It is perhaps not exaggerating to say that cooperation is the most critical aspect to secure a victory. While outstanding personal skill might help the team to a degree, a synchronized, well-organized team always triumph over any individual star. There is this one saying in the game that I really liked which sounds as follow, "You already have 5 enemies that you are facing. Be careful not to make more". A constant bickering between teammates are an early sign of the inevitable lose.

However, the most appealing thing about this game is when it is played with friends. I admit sometimes it might get too "hot" since the game itself is pretty competitive in nature. We can spend the whole game blaming each other if everything goes wrong and yet tomorrow we will still play together like nothing happened. If anything, it makes the bonds between me and my friends deeper through just a simple game. Occasionally, we will enjoy having simply a fun game where we are able to laugh heartily despite losing the game. It is also a fun place to vent some stress and frustration where you can just throw out all the anger by whipping your opponents to oblivion. Therefore, despite my overwhelming amount of time spent playing this game, there is still more for me to learn and I doubt I will stop playing it anytime soon.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Writing for 10/23

Date : 10/23

Time starting : 6.52 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Getting through everyday life

Time ending :  7.08 p.m

There is no end toward the hardships and difficulties we faced as we go through our everyday lives. Yet, despite all these trials and tribulations, we managed to prevail to see another day and face the same challenges over and over again. I believe this phenomenon is due to the fact that each of us has our own way of coping with these everyday "trials". As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Regardless of the method used, it is unarguable that this is probably the only way of being able to stand against life adversities. There must be a reason or a source of motivation to propel ourselves forward despite knowing the obstructions that will stand in our way. Hence, we are all champions for managing to emerge victorious against the overwhelming attempts of life torments to shut down our advance.

For some people, they may only be able to endure the hardships simply because they are doing it for the sake of something or someone. Believing that they will amount of nothing if they can not achieve what they are expected to, these sort of individuals will work their hardest in order to surpass the expectations that had been set on them. Meanwhile, there are also individuals that simply enjoy their life regardless of anything bad that happened. To find joy in hardships is a really hard thing to accomplish and not many can manage to cope with life troubles this way. To be able to gain mastery over this is to be able to embrace the saying "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain,".

I, personally belong on the kind of people that manage to withstand life difficulties simply by having something that I am looking forward to. I remembered back when I was barely 13 years old and I was sent to a boarding school, far away from home. I was bawling my eyes out the first few week, unable to withstand the homesickness as well as living in a completely foreign place. However, my parents promised that they will visit me on every weekends (selfish on my part since the journey takes 7 hours back and forth but back then, I am just a snotty kid who knows no better) and this make me able to somehow cope with the sadness until I finally able to get all my stuff together.

Now, whenever I am faced with troubles or dilemmas, I will always remember to look forward to the time on the weekend after I had settled everything that is troubling me. If that is not enough, then I will simply remember the reason I am standing here right now and the individuals that had put their hope and faith in me. For this reason alone, it provides me a strong motivation to keep moving forward despite anything and I am not about to let these people down simply because some life hardships got the best of me.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Writing for 10/22

Date : 10/22

Time starting : 7.18 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : The luckiness of living a normal life.

Time ending :  7.33 p.m

We, members of the modern society, or specifically, I, myself has or have always been taking what we considered as a normal life for granted. There is an old saying that goes as follow : "To be grateful in life, never looked toward the people above you but instead glance at the people living below you. Only then will you realize how lucky you had been". It is in human nature to comprehend only the shining part in everything they see without seeing the hardships nor efforts that had been sacrificed in order to obtain that shine which everyone envies. Often enough, we become envious or jealous toward those who have more than we have but fail see how there are also some people that wished to be living in our shoes, a much more better way of living than they are in at the moment.

Quoting from an all-time renowned footballer, Zinedine Zidane, "I once cried because I had no shoes to play football with my friends, but one day I saw a man who had no feet, and realized how rich I am". Even what we considered to be living normally might have been a life full of luxury toward those who are not as fortunate as we are. It is the same concept as of when we really wanted something new that we never have before, we often goes "Wow, that thing is really a piece of art. I really wanted it, it looks so beautiful!.". However, after we have that thing we yearned for, soon enough we will start tossing it around and be like, "Oh hey, this thing is nothing special to be honest." and before long, we will start to find a new thing to crave upon.

Perhaps it is true on how we will never realize how lucky we are until the moment we lost everything. Taking things for granted is in human nature, sometimes we can never help feeling that way too which I, myself, admit guilty of. That is why we should never be too greedy and whatever happens, always be humble and respectful of others. We never know if we will lose what we already have in pursuit of a much greater life. In fact, we will never know if we will still be living normally by next month or next week or even, when tomorrow dawns. Hence, to be able to live a decent, normal life is probably the luckiest thing anyone can ask for but not many will be grateful nor thankful for such a gift.

Friday 21 October 2016

Writing for 10/21

Date : 10/21

Time starting : 7.39 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Weekends and Stress

Time ending :  7.54 p.m

After a tough week, we all deserve that 2 days off in every weekend. The same thing apply to most of us regardless of who we are. They say, "All work without play makes Jack go dull,". Venting out our pressure and built up stress over the week is a pretty important part in anyone's life. How we let out all this stress, however, differs from each person. Some may just simply spend the whole day off sleeping, believing that nap time during the weekdays are really scarce if any. Some might just want to go out to somewhere that they liked to be while there are also that prefers to be hanging out with friends over the weekend.

Even if there are a slight or major difference in everyone's way of spending their leisure times, nevertheless, it is usually geared toward one purpose ; forgetting all the worries and pressures until the next Monday comes. Those 2 days on the weekend is a blissful rest time that everyone should take advantage of. It is kind of ironic when a person keeps complaining that he or she can not sleep at all during weekdays but still end up sleeping really, really late on their days off. Even though some people might have their own personal circumstances, I believe if given a choice, it is much more appropriate to rest during the weekend instead of toughing it out by working overtime or doing laborious work on what is supposed to be a rest day.

Give your bodies their well-deserved rest, they earned it even if you, yourself did not think so. Overworking is never a good thing. It simply puts so much unnecessary burden on both the mind and body. However, this also meant that weekdays are not the time where you must be slacking off. If you are not working hard on the days you are supposed to, then your rest days will need to wait. Simply putting measly efforts on the job done is often the reason why someone will need to work that extra length on their days off since they need to make up for the lost time on weekdays. With proper time and work management, anyone can obtain their long-awaited weekend without the need to worry about all the stress and pressure piling up all over the week.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Writing for 10/20 (Marked to be Read #1)

Date : 10/20

Time starting : 2.54 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Random talk about life

Time ending :  3.10 p.m

Life. What does it mean to be living?. A sage once said, "Fear not your death, but fear the fact that you might had actually not lived in the first place,". I believe everyone that are living on this world must have had that one moment in our lives where we pondered, "What is the reason I am living right now?. Why do I exist?. What is my raison d'etre?. Am I doing the right thing?". I, myself had experienced this sort of thinking several times. I believe life itself is a very subjective topic.  Despite everyone living their lives, most of us never had the same view on what we considered to be truly living.

If asked a person on how he or she define to be "truly living", some might answer "To reach the pinnacle of success is to be truly alive. When I made my mark from which people will remember me after I died is what it meant to be living." Meanwhile, some other individual might say, "To be rich where I need not worry about life expenses is what it meant to be living. As long as I am still struggling with financial issues, that mean I am not even close to be living. My life is still shackled by money and I can not truly be free until I become a millionaire". However, generally people will just go, "To be truly alive is to be living in the moment. As long as I get a decent job, manage to find my rightful fated soulmate, be the parents of respectable kids, managing to pay my life debts toward my parents, I am more than satisfied in my life ."

These substantial differences in ambitions toward their lives nevertheless proved how the definition of truly living is subjected toward individual perspective. The hardest part in anyone's life is to be forced living another person's life just to surpass or exceed a certain party expectations. That is probably the worst form of torture despite the wounds not being seen physically. Becoming someone that is not ourselves meant denying our very own existences. There are times when we need to put up a facade, true, especially when involved in a life-turning events such as job interview, meeting potential clients and so on. However, there are times where we will hang out with our best of friends or even in our family where we will be able to discard all this tedious facade and simply be ourselves. Hence, for someone that needs to be wearing another person's mask for the rest of their lives without the chance to be themselves are probably the saddest thing imaginable.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Writing for 10/19

Date : 10/19

Time starting : 4.03 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Synopsis about a movie I loved and watched recently

Time ending :  4.19 p.m

It is kind of ironic actually how this movie that I loved is actually recommended by a close friend of mine. Before that, I do not even know the movie title or the fact that it even existed in the first place. This movie is titled "Kimi no na Wa" or in English, "Your Name,". The story itself is pretty fascinating to the point that I watched it over and over again.  The movie itself last roughly around 2 hours and it was an animated movie not a live-action one. The plot of the movie revolves around 2 main characters, Taki as well as Mitsuha and how they meet each other in a very mysterious fashion. At some points in their lives, whenever they wake up in the morning, they will find themselves being in the other person body without knowing each other. At first, they thought it is simply a dream and pay the problem no heed. '

The story intensifies by changing how Taki acting in Mitsuha body and the opposite affect the people around them. Mitsuha, being insulted by some of her peers due to her "classic-fashioned" way of upbringing by her grandmother after her mother passed away. Taki, in her body, made it obvious that she (or he, in this case) does not like being jeered at and scared away the students responsible for the insults. On Taki side, Mitsuha helped him gets closer toward his crush at his workplace, Miki by  appealing to Miki through her feminine charms.  Both of them did this out of their own will without knowing they are indirectly living the other person's routine, thinking it is nothing more than a dream.

As the story-line progresses further, they both realized that it is not a dream and at this point, Taki tried searching for Mitsuha. At this part of the story, Taki realized that Mitsuha lived in a district that had been ravaged by a huge meteorite falling at the area from 2 years ago. He realized that they are not living at the same time line and the Mitsuha he is switching places with had long passed during the meteorite incident. Not giving up, Taki somehow managed to switch place with Mitsuha again and warned the district residents, saving the life of many before the impending disaster. After 2 years, they were reunited in the same time line. I oversimplified the story and it might not sound as good from my synopsis but it is different when seen by your own eyes.

Monday 17 October 2016

Writing for 10/17

Date : 10/17

Time starting : 7.40 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/16 story

Time ending :  7.58 p.m

".....That explains a lot,". Perhaps she is not so different than me.

"Anyway, do not think too highly of me. In fact, I am pretty sure I should be thanking you too. I never thought I will see Zig again.......not until today, even if it is just a look-alike like him,", she said fondly.

"And you looked exactly the same as Ana, fate is amusing indeed," I chuckled, a feeling of glee that I had never felt in a very long time started to resurface again, swelling up in my chest. How long since I last laughed?. Never mind laughing, I can not even remember the last time I really smiled on this world. And now, all the sadness and grief that had overtook me in the past had been washed away, my shoulders no longer heavy from bearing the burden of my emotions.

"I agree," she giggled in amusement, "Perhaps our meeting too is a fate at work. Regardless, I have other matters to tend to. So, I will be taking my leave and thanks for the opportunity."

"It is okay. Take care now." I said as I bid her farewell. I merely watched as she stand up from the chair and moved toward the door. However, as she clench the doorknob, she halted her steps. As I wondered if she might have forgotten something, Estelle turned around and asked meekly,

"Can I visit you again in the future?,"

So that is what it is all about. To her question, I only have one reply,

"Sure, I believe we have a lot to share with each other,"

Estelle face brightened up after hearing my reply as she happily nodded and make her way out of my room. Once again, I am left alone. But, this time round, I no longer feel despair, in fact I am brimming with hope and expectations for the future. As I glanced out of my window, I pondered

"Had the sky always been so bright before?"

Sunday 16 October 2016

Writing for 10/16

Date : 10/16

Time starting : 5.34 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/15 story

Time ending :  5.49 p.m

Immediately realizing my rudeness, I immediately apologized, "Ah, I am terribly sorry. My illusion is getting the best of me. You look exactly as someone I knew in the past,"

Perplexed by my sudden apology, the woman named Estelle immediately shook her head in denial,
"Don't be. You have nothing to feel bad for," she speaks out as she sits down on the chair besides my bed. "It might not be my place to be saying this but I know all too well the feeling of losing someone we hold dearest,"

Surprised by her personal statement, I asked in awe, "....How do you know?"

"It's just a hunch," she smiled, seemingly trying to appear nonchalant but I can feel the sadness lingering inside her voice, "They say two people with the same wounds can feel each other presence despite being completely strangers to each other. I guess the myth might have been true after all,"

 "Estelle, is it?.  Despite anything, thank you for saving me," I bowed my head. "I can never hope to repay this debt. I owe you my life,"

"Don't worry about it. It is actually pretty selfish of me too. When I thought I saw Zig again, I acted on impulse. I just had to save him. In that regard, perhaps I am not saving you out of kindness," she laughed as she waved her hand, joking about the topic.


"He was special to me. Perhaps pretty similar like how Ana is to you,"

Saturday 15 October 2016

Writing for 10/15

Date : 10/15

Time starting : 10.01p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/14 story

Time ending :  10.16 p.m

As I open my eyes, awake from what I thought would be my final sleep, I found myself lying on a soft, comfy bed, covered by a white sheet. Now, this is somewhere that actually makes sense. From a quick glance toward my surrounding, I immediately noticed that I must have been hospitalized from that accident. That much should be pretty obvious. Now, the real question is "who actually went out of his way to get me into this hospital?,"

"'.......Maybe a kind soul took pity on me." I mumbled. Well, turns out I am still in one piece. Perhaps i should be grateful. If anything, that one meeting with Ana had given me the resolve to continue living. It is kind of funny that the very reason I wished to leave this world actually provides me with the courage and will to move forward.

As I am lost in my train of thoughts, I hear my room's door being opened. The nurse, maybe?. Or just the doctor checking up on me.

"Ah, you are awake....thanks the heavens,"

".....................Ana?,". The resemblance is uncanny. I am pretty sure I am wide awake....or am I still dreaming?. Perhaps my obsession toward her had created yet another illusory image of her. Perhaps dumbfounded by my sudden reply, the Ana look-alike replied with a smile,

"Unfortunately, I am not Ana. I heard you calling her name multiple times in your sleep while you are unconscious. I am Estelle," she explained, "You are lucky to have avoid a fatal injury. Even the doctors said it is a miraculous feat."

Friday 14 October 2016

Writing for 10/14

Date : 10/14

Time starting : 6.52 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/11 story

Time ending :  7.08 p.m

At Ana's words, a sudden realization struck me in the chest. How foolish I had been, I had let myself being washed away by my own pitiful emotions. I know tears can not bring her back to life but still I have done nothing to prevent it from flowing. As a human being, I should be embarrassed with myself. Perhaps this meeting of ours is a chance given by the heavens in order for me to correct my ways.

I looked up at the vast sky above me, though sky does not seem to fit it well. There is no cloud, it is just an empty space, shrouded with whiteness. Slowly, I wrapped my hands around Ana's. Never will I thought that I will be able to feel this warmth again.

".....Sorry to have made you worry, Ana. I should be ashamed of myself."

With an unexpected slap onto my back, she speaks proudly, "Don't worry, dear!. It is a wife duty to correct her husband whenever he did something foolish, is it not. Besides, seeing you again is something that I wished for too,"

"Seems like you enjoying yourself, heh?"

"Why, I am but a dead woman. There is no harm in enjoying myself," she jeered. Such a classic reply from her. "Anyway, it is time for you to go. Show your dearest what you can do without her when you are awake. I love you..."

"Yeah, I will remember that. I love you too," I said as I feel my consciousness fading once again. This really does not feel like a dream even though logically, it did not make sense. Still, whatever it is, perhaps it is something that is beyond a mortal ability to comprehend.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Writing for 10/12

Date : 10/12

Time starting : 10.29 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Just some random talk about light novels that I read

Time ending :  10.45 p.m

I am a fan of reading Japanese Light novels. I have read a generous amount of Japanese LN (Light Novel) titles. For some reason, I always preferred these sort of novels compared to the more formal, classy form of novels. Maybe because the language used in these novels does not require sophisticated amount of English grammar skills in order to understand what the author is trying to imply. I am not really a fan of reading novels that will require me to open a dictionary every time I moved to a new sentence, it is just too distracting.

There are various kinds of light novels out there. Naming a few that is my favorites among the bunch will be "Brave of the Six Flowers", "Blade Dance of the Elementalist", and "Apocalypse Alice". Some of these novels are still developing their fame while some are already well established, having more than 10 volumes already written by the authors.  Just like regular novels, there are various genres in the light novels produced. However, personally, I preferred reading those with romance theme mixed in it. Though, I disliked pure romance light novels that only have love as the main plot of the story.

A healthy mix of everything is the way to go. Some might actually be related to life as the story taught the reader on certain part of lives (the genre for this sort of novel is called "slice of life"). For example, "The Pet Girl of Sakurasou" actually taught the reader on how one must accept that in life, there will always be a gifted person that will surpass you in every aspects regardless of how hard you tried. One can fell life is being unfair but there is no reason to stop because everyone had their own special points.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Writing for 10/11

Date : 10/11

Time starting : 8.20 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : A continuation of 10/10 story

Time ending :  8.36 p.m

 "......Ana", I mumbled, my eyes burst into tears, no longer able to restrain the overwhelming sense of relief as well as happiness. It is a rush of emotions sweeping me away in a mere moment. To be reunited with her again.......I can not thank the heavens enough.

"I have missed you too," she said while gently stroking my hair. "You looked much more handsome than the last time I saw you," she chided, giggling childishly, the old classic Ana.

"Oh, is that so?. So, you have been eyeing me all this time?," I retorted in a tone we always used when we jest with each other.

"Mhm," she smiled mischievously, "......but it is till not time yet for you to be here, dear," her last sentence leave me exasperated.

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean?. I do not understand,"

"You do not belong here, not yet," Ana explained,"There is still plenty of thing left you need to do,"

".....but I do not want to go back to a place without you, Ana,"

At my reply, Ana pinched my cheeks, her expression remind me of a mother admonishing her child, "The man that I loved dearest will never give up this easily in life, no?. I know how much you had missed me and trust me, nothing made me happier than that. But, it is not time yet for us to be together, you still had a long way ahead of you."

Monday 10 October 2016

Writing for 10/10

Date : 10/10

Time starting : 10.59 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : An alternate ending to the 8/10 story

Time ending :  11.14 p.m

Muddled with blood and rain, I struggled to breathe as I lied on the cold road. It is about time for me to bid this life farewell, anyway. There is no worth in living anymore, not after all this suffering I had to got through.

"Ah, this can't be good...." I mumbled as my eyesight keep getting poorer, a sign that I am knocking on death's door. However, I can vaguely see a very familiar person pushing through all the people circling around me.

She is making a call, her face filled with distress and anxiety, her voice filled with a tinge of panic and fear. Why would someone that I just randomly mistaken Ana for on the street held such care toward me?. It is a waster of her time, a trash like me should be gone soon, the quicker the better.

Before long, I lie defeated to the overwhelming drowsiness as I closed my eyes. Little did I know what I thought as my eternal slumber is quickly interrupted by me waking up after what I felt like a short while.

".....Where is this place?",

It is as white as far as the eyes can see and I can not make certain of where or what is this place. There is one thing for certain, this is not the real world. Is it the afterlife?. Or is it just my dying mind playing a trick on me?. All of these thoughts ran through my head. Then, while I am still sitting on the white surface of nothingness, well more like floating in the air, I feel a pair of arms embracing me from behind. I had realized this warmth can belong to none other than the one I loved dearly.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Writing for 10/9

 Date : 10/9

Time starting : 4.08 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : 5-Senses Walk and Writing

Time ending :  4.29 p.m

"Not this time again, Father," Lina grumbled to herself. The room is quiet, excluded from the voices of living. It is past midnight, the only sound resounding is the wind knocking on the window hinges, begging to get in but to no avail. Plenty of luxury decorations adorned the room, so luxurious one can tell that the owner must be living a life of fortune. However, the scorning face of the only occupant in the room certainly reflect an emotion non other than displeasure.

Throwing away her crimson-red Scauvian dress on her bed, Lina proceeded to undress herself into something that eases movement. The dress was handcrafted by her handmaidens for today marriage meeting with another prince from a foreign kingdom. The soft texture of the fabric implies the amount of gentleness and care provided toward it. Still, toward the sole princess of Scauvian, such exaggerated piece of cloth resembles nothing more than a dead weight to her. Unable to nimbly move in such an outfit, Lina could only think of getting it off as soon as possible the moment she is forced to wear it.

Brandishing a gleaming, silver sword from one of her hidden chest, she held the blade close to her body which is now completely dressed in light armor Scauvian tunic.

"If that dragon is the reason why I must be forced to marry a man I do not even know, then I shall end it life by myself," whispered Lina. Grasping the hilt of the weapon, she tried swinging the dangerous object around, her motion of movement clearly not that of an amateur. In fact, a master swordsman would have realized her natural gift in swordmanship from a single glance.

"Grant thy strength and blessing to this lowly child of yours, o Miranda," Lina silently prayed to her goddess before inconspicuously scuttling off toward the dragon's lair.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Writing for 10/8

Date : 10/8

Time starting : 4.04 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/7 story

Time ending :  4.27 p.m

 As I reach out my hands to her, centimeters away, suddenly I realized I am flying through the air. I landed a few feet away from where I am a few seconds ago. Immediately, my body is covered with an intense sensation of pain that can drive my mind crazy. That is when I finally come into realization. I had been hit by a truck. The vehicle stopped adjacent to me, its driver desperately trying to call someone on his phone. Less than minutes, I become an attraction for the bystanders as I could see crowds of people forming ring around me.

Taking pictures of a dying street trash for the news is it?. I chuckled to myself. I guess my imagination have finally taken the best of me. Well, I see no point in living like this anyway. I know I can not be saved anymore. My body slowly becoming numb, my breath becoming more and more rough. Each breath is an immense feat for me. The pain is slowly fading off which is not a good sign. However, at my last moment as my vision becoming hazy, I can see a familiar girl sitting beside me. Her face facing mine and as soon as I see her, tears fall from my eyes. It is Ana, and despite anything, I am thankful to be able to meet her again even if it is nothing more than a dying man fantasy.

I can feel her warm hands embracing my cold body on the concrete. With the nostalgic voice that I yearned to hear all this time, Ana whispered into my ears,

“I have been waiting for you, dear. Now we will always be together, forever......” her face showing a happy expression, with tears of joy trickling down her cheek.

As I am overwhelmed by the feeling of drowsiness that is approaching me, I let it takes over me. Even then, before I fell into a deep, deep sleep. I am sure a wide, satisfied smile is carved upon my face before I close my eyes and depart from this world.

Friday 7 October 2016

Writing for 10/7

Date : 10/7

Time starting : 7.44 p.m

Idea I am pursuing : Continuation of 10/6 story

Time ending :  7.56 p.m

“Society trash” is what I call myself as well as how I assume most bystanders perceive me. But, what do they know about me and I could not care less on how other people think of me. I had long lost that sense of rationality.
“This storm does not seem to let up anytime soon, huh”. I thought to myself. Pushing myself over my body limits, I began walking again. Then, a miracle happens,

I saw Ana walking across the street. There is no way I can mistook her for someone else. Not when it comes to the person that I had loved all my life. Have the heavens finally answered my prayers, have god taken pity on me and give me a second chance?. All sort of questions befuddled my mind. Finally, I heard Ana voice whispering in my ear, as impossible as it sound, it burns away all my hesitation as I run toward her with all my might.

“ANA!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, attracting the attention of several other bystanders but I could not care less about them. The girl I held dear to my heart is right in front of me and that is all I can think of. Ana turned toward me, I can see her crying clearly despite the heavy rain as she smiled happily, a smile that I will never forget for the entirety of my life.